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Our company, which was established to bring a new and essential breath to the market by developing new strategies and solutions in line with the needs of the European Ethnic Food market, produces all kinds of retail products demanded by the ethnic market, mainly food, distributes the products demanded by the market, and always offers the highest quality in Turkish. and to represent world brands and offer them to consumers. ESAS, which was established in partnership with Edeka by Turkish-origin managers who know very well the needs of the ethnic market consumers in Europe, especially the Turkish target group, and who have an experience of about 20 years in the dynamics of the market, develops smart strategies and services that will solve all the needs of the ethnic market from a single source. BASIS, In order to save time and offer diversity to consumers and retailers, it brings a new breath to the market with a complete and efficient portfolio with more than 20,000 different product types that are rich enough to make shopping from one point at a time. ESAS, which adopts the principle of the continuity of every product it offers thanks to the solid foundations and effective business model it has established, aims to solve one of the most important problems related to continuity in the market. ESSENTIAL, suitable for Turkish and Mediterranean tastes, our target audience’s social,

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